对于“实践是检验真理的标准”这个问题,学界一直有不同意见。十多年前重提这个问题,引起了一场思想大解放;近年来,有关这个问题的研究更进一步从理论上引向深入,这是很有意义的。《大庆高等专科学校学报》1991年第3期《哲学争鸣》专栏同时刊出了两篇观点对立的文章,拜读后很受启发,并感到有些想法不吐不快,于是写成这篇简文,向大家请教。 一、应区分“真理标准”和“检验标准”两个不同概念 坚毅同志的文章(简称坚文)反对“实践是检验真理的际准”的观点,认为检验真理的标准是认识与对象相符,实践则是检验认识是否真理的根本办法。我认为,坚文的“符合论”思想是值僻重视的,“实践是检验真理的
The academic community has always had different opinions on the issue of “practice is the standard of testing truth.” Repeating this question more than 10 years ago has given rise to a great emancipation of the mind. In recent years, it is of great significance that the study on this issue goes further and further in theory. “Daqing College” 1991 the third period “philosophical contestation” column also published two opposing opposites article, very inspired by reading, and felt that some of the ideas do not spit fast, then wrote this essay, to We ask. First, we should distinguish between the two concepts of “truth standard” and “test standard” (“Jianwen”), opposing the principle that “practice is the right standard of test of truth”. The standard of test of truth is that cognition meets the object, Practice is the fundamental way to test whether the truth is true or not. In my opinion, Kennedy’s “conformity theory” is valueless. "Practice is to test the truth