本刊主编和美国教授Bill Hofmann有着频繁的email交流。他们除了共同编写一些书籍之外,还在email中进行日常的“交谈”。最近,在给毛主编的email中,Bill谈到了E-Books。此信息也许对人类的未来具有不可小视的预示性。此email在编辑部传阅。有人戏言,若干年后,人们读今日之图书,是否会如今人读出土的“竹简”?今日遍布世界各地的图书馆,届时是否会变成“博物馆”?本刊决定刊登Bill教授的这封email。对此,Bill教授又及时发来了email。他称:You may use the message in ESTL.I have added a title and added a fewsentences to the original text.
The editor-in-chief and the American professor Bill Hofmann have frequent email exchanges. In addition to writing some books together, they also carry out daily “talks” in emails. Recently, Bill talked about E-Books in an email to Chief Editor Mao. This information may have an undeniable foreshadowing of the future of humanity. This email was circulated in the editorial department. Some people joked that after a few years, people read today’s books, will people read the “bamboo slips” today? Today’s libraries around the world will become “museums”? The magazine decided to publish this piece by Professor Bill. Email. In this regard, Prof. Bill sent an email in time. He said: You may use the message in ESTL.I have added a title and added a fewsentences to the original text.