薄荷Mentha haplocalyx又名野薄荷、仁丹草、夜息花等。为唇形科多年生草本植物。薄荷高60厘米左右,茎直立或匍匐地面生长。叶对生,叶片卵形或圆形,边缘有齿,叶背有腺点。轮伞状花序,腋生,花期7~9月,花冠唇形,黄、白、红色均有,9~11月结卵球形小坚果,成熟时呈黄褐色。薄荷适应性强,对土质要求不严,较喜温暖、湿润的环境。在园林中可用作潮湿低洼地的地被材料,覆盖地面速度快,还可用于庭院栽培或组合盆栽。
Mentha haplocalyx mint also known as wild peppermint, Dan Dan grass, night flowers and so on. For Lamiaceae perennial herb. Peppermint is about 60 cm high, with stems growing upright or squatting. Leaves opposite, leaves ovate or rounded, margin toothed, glands backed by leaves. Umbrella inflorescence, axillary, flowering from July to September, corolla lip, yellow, white, red all, from September to November oviparous nutlet, yellow brown mature. Peppermint has strong adaptability, strict requirements on soil quality, and warm and humid environment. In the garden can be used as a damp ground material, covering the ground speed, can also be used for garden cultivation or combination of potted plants.