驰名遐迩的《寒鸦戏水》,是潮州音乐十大套曲中流行最广的一套,向来深受人们的喜爱,是民间音乐聚会时常奏的曲目,知其音、会其意、懂其律、和其乐者甚众。它雄踞潮乐乐坛,长盛不衰,可谓是“曲高和众,雅俗共赏”。《寒鸦戏水》有以下三大特点: 首先,它音调清逸秀丽,风韵古朴典雅,意境舒展宽畅,格调欢欣活跃;其次,乐曲结构严谨,分句鲜明,起承转合,宛如诗词,耐人寻味;第三,其“曲速三变”的独特演奏手法,使乐曲情绪跌宕起伏,出神入化,给人一种美的享受和向上振奋的力量。
The famous “Jackdaw,” is the most popular set of ten sets of songs in Chaozhou music, has always been loved by people, folk music is often played at rehearsal tracks, know its tone, will its meaning, to understand its Law, and its music is very public. It dominated the tide of music, everlasting, can be described as “music and the public, elegant and popular”. The “Jackdaw Bathing” has the following three major characteristics: First of all, it is graceful in tone and elegant in tone, simple and elegant in style, wide in mood and cheerful in style, and secondly, the structure of the music is rigorous with distinct clauses. , The unique performance technique of “changing the speed and changing the song” makes the mood of the music ups and downs, superb, giving people a kind of beauty to enjoy and the strength of uplifting.