经验的观察和理论的分析表明,劳动力作为一种特殊商品,在与它的所有者的关系中表现出来的所有权性质,与一般的商品所有权关系相比,不仅具有特殊的外观,而且具有特殊的内涵。本文期望通过对劳动者劳动力产权以及非劳动力产权关系的探讨,能够对当前国有企业的产权改革有所启发。 一、引言·劳动力·劳动力商品·劳动力资本
Empirical observation and theoretical analysis show that the ownership of a labor as a special commodity in its relationship with its owner has not only a special appearance but also a special Connotation. This paper hopes to explore the relationship between laborer’s property rights and non-labor property rights, which can inspire the current state-owned property rights reform. I. Introduction · Labor · Labor Goods · Labor Capital