First, the overview hair slurry method (that is, activated carbon adsorption of cyanide complex) process, the foreign gold enterprises more widely used advanced technology, is the development of the entire gold industry have a fundamental impact on innovation, it is suitable for handling low-grade Gold oxide ore is especially suitable for the treatment of gold-bearing oxidized ores which are clay-rich, difficult to subside and filter. The earliest large-scale experiments using activated carbon to extract gold was carried out in South Africa in the mid-1960s. Subsequently, the National Institute of Metallurgy developed a “carbon slurry” process. In 1973, Holststed built the world’s first large-scale charcoal Slurry method to mention the gold factory, first of all the carbon slurry obtained industrial applications; due to the rising price of gold and carbon technology continues to improve, prompting the establishment of a large number of world-class pulp mills, including the United States, South Africa, Australia most