After the value of sunflower oil is recognized, the area under sunflower cultivation has rapidly expanded. How to further improve the yield and quality is still the primary goal of sunflower breeding. In the thirties of this century, the Soviet Union B.C. Puskuut created a series of stockpile law and law into a series of high oil content of the seed oil content of 38 to 43%, made an outstanding contribution to the increase of sunflower oil production. However, a substantial increase in sunflower production is attributed to the use of heterosis. The famous French sunflower breeder Leclerger cultivated a karyotypic male sterile line in 1964. In 1969, a cytoplasmic male sterile line was bred, opening up a new chapter in the utilization of the sunflower heterosis. Due to the high yield of hybrids, the yield can generally be 15 ~ 30% more than the varieties, short stalks, disease resistance, growth and tidy, suitable for close planting and mechanical harvesting,