今年五月份的一天,湖北省黄陂县一建筑公司采购员拿了一张建设银行的支票,到武汉商场支票结算处结算一笔价值800元的进口打火机貨款。商场财务科副科长余美英同志严肃地向这位采购员指出:“建设银行的支票是专款专用,只能作建筑、劳保用品的开支使用,哪能购买160元一个的进口打火机呢,这是慷国家之慨,拿公款搞私人交易,违背‘双增双节’的精神和财务制度,打火机咱们不能卖!” 象这样敢顶敢管、秉公办事的事,余美英同志顶了多少次已记不清了。她经常告诫财会人员要按国家政策和财务制度办事,不要只顾小集团和少数人的利益而损害国家利益。支票结算处的财会人员在她的影响下,都能严格按
One day in May this year, a buyer from a construction company in Huangpi County, Hubei Province, took a check from CCB and settled a purchase of import lighter valued at 800 RMB at the checkout counter of Wuhan Emporium. Yu Meiying, deputy director of the Department of Finance, Comrade comrade solemnly pointed out to the buyer: “Construction Bank check is a special fund, only for construction, labor insurance supplies expenses, which can buy 160 yuan a imported lighter it It is a generous state that uses private funds to engage in private transactions and runs counter to the spirit and financial system of ”double-double-double-section“. We can not sell the lighters! ” Times can not remember clearly. She often told accounting staff to act according to state policies and financial systems and not to undermine the interests of small groups and minorities while undermining national interests. Accounting staff at the check and settlement office will be able to press strictly under the influence of her