连日的雾霾被吹散之后,北京终于迎来了万里无云的晴空,大热电影《私人定制》拍摄地之一的拉斐特城堡,也迎来了另一段故事的主角——亚萨合莱。3月14日,全球开门解决方案领先者亚萨合莱(ASSA ABLOY)集团在此举办品牌及新品发布会,将其高端门业品牌——亚萨合莱引入国内,并向业界推出6款新品,正式进军中国高端防火门市场。国外高端品牌进入中国,其成功者比比皆是,但是“巨人”来华后败走麦城也屡见不鲜。此次,亚萨合莱进入中国,将会使出哪些招式来赢得中国市场?“过去三年,我们主要靠创新开
After days of haze was blown away, Beijing finally ushered in a cloudless clear sky, hot movie ”private custom“ filming of Lafayette Castle, also ushered in another story of the protagonist - Yasha He Lai. On March 14, ASSA ABLOY, the world leader in open door solutions, held a brand and new product launch conference to introduce ASSA ABLOY, its high-end door brand, into China and introduce 6 models to the industry New products, formally enter the Chinese high-end fire door market. Foreign high-end brands to enter China, the success of abound, but ”Giants“ came to China after the defeat of Mai Cheng is not uncommon. This time, ASSA ABLOY into China, which moves will be made to win the Chinese market? ”In the past three years, we rely mainly on innovation