Analysis of subscription characteristics and user mobility in different types of MMORPGs

来源 :The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aiming4636j
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Massively multiplayer online role-playing game(MMORPG) is one of the fastest-growing segments of the online game industry.MMORPG subscription refers to game accounts logged in during a certain period of time.MMORPG user mobility explains the dynamics of subscriber size change.This article explores the subscription characteristics and user mobility in different types of MMORPGs.It is found that subscription characteristics in different types of MMORPGs are marked by dissimilarity.On one hand,the curve of competition-based game subscription is linear,and the stability period is short,therefore it is necessary for the game operators to introduce new versions timely.On the other hand,the gradient rate of subscription in the community-based game is slow at first and then fast,and the stability period is long,hence it will take the game operator a long cycle to launch a new version.The difference of subscription curve is caused by the fact that user mobility in competition-based game is higher than in the community-based game,as attractiveness of community-based game can maintain a longer period due to network externality.The purpose of the study is to help the game operator to understand the development stage and features of the game and to make effective decisions to attract more players. Massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) is one of the fastest-growing segments of the online game industry .MMORPG subscription refers to game accounts logged in during certain period of time. MMORPG user mobility explains the dynamics of subscriber size change. This article explores the subscription characteristics and user mobility in different types of MMORPGs.It is found that subscription characteristics in different types of MMORPGs are marked by dissimilarity. One of the hand, the curve of competition-based game subscription is linear, and the stability period is short, therefore it is necessary for the game operators to introduce new versions timely.On the other hand, the gradient rate of subscription in the community-based game is slow at first and then fast, and the stability period is long, it it will take the game operator a long cycle to launch a new version. The difference of subscription curve is caused by the fact that user mobility in competition-based game is high er than in the community-based game, as attractiveness of community-based game can maintain a longer period due to network externality. purpose of the study is to help the game operator to understand the development stage and features of the game and to make effective decisions to attract more players.
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