IT 界人员的更迭速度之快令人嚼舌,好在大家转来转去也很少转出这个圈儿。这里消失,总会到那里出现,只不过换一个新的头衔。惠普总部卡莉的职位多半是暂时保住了,猫王尽管一直不看好惠普与康柏的这桩巨额婚姻,但是却打心眼里认为肯定会成。因为投票时说了算的是股东,当经历了漫长的口水仗之后,通过合并无疑是最利于股东利益的做法。尤其是对康柏来说,猫王早就开始哀悼,不是被吃掉就是被合并折磨的恹恹一息,从此一蹶不振。合为贵,虽然猫王一直不敢去展望。
The speed of change in the IT community is eloquent. Fortunately, everyone is rarely turning around in this circle. It disappears here, it will always appear there, but only for a new title. Most of Carly’s positions at HP headquarters were temporarily saved. Although Elvis has not been optimistic about the huge amount of HP and Compaq’s marriage, he was happily thinking that it would be a success. Because it was the shareholders who spoke when they voted, and after a long period of time, the merger is undoubtedly the most beneficial to the interests of shareholders. Especially for Compaq, the Elvis Presley began to mourn for a long time, not to be eaten or to be harassed by merging, and it has since fallen flat. They are expensive, although Elvis never dared to look ahead.