
来源 :铁道劳动安全卫生与环保 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiezhen120
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技师是生产骨干,是基石,是先锋。随着铁路第六次大提速(4月18日)及新设备的投入运行,对运输安全提出了新的更高要求,中国铁路对高素质人才的需求量将越来越大。如何在制度、措施以及管理、操做落实诸方面及时培养造就出适合路情新特点的技师队伍,如何进一步发挥好技师队伍的安全保障、引领作用、整体效应,如何建设新型职工队伍,这是当前铁路跨越式发展进程中的一件头等大事。 Technician is the production backbone, is the cornerstone, is the pioneer. With the speeding up of the sixth largest railway (April 18) and the putting into operation of new equipment, new and higher requirements for transportation safety have been put forward. The demand for qualified personnel in China’s railways will become larger and larger. How to train a team of technicians who adapt to the new characteristics of the road and how to give full play to the safety and security of the technician team, leading the role and the overall effect, and how to build a new type of workforce in the fields of system, measures, management and implementation One of the top priorities in the current leapfrog development of the railway.