中国国家音像资料馆是由中宣部倡导,中国中央电视台承建的一套大型数据存储系统。该系统中保存的数据将包括中外历史上具备收藏价值的所有音像资料。“这种独特的使命使得系统建设中的基本要求如下:”1. 海量存储能力本系统的数据横贯中西,包罗万象。系统第一期的建设目标为数据
China National Audiovisual Archives is a large data storage system advocated by the Central Propaganda Department and constructed by China Central Television. The data stored in the system will include all the audiovisual materials in the history of both China and foreign countries that have the value of collection. "This unique mission makes the system construction of the basic requirements are as follows: 1 mass storage capacity of the system data across the West, all-inclusive. The first phase of the system’s construction goal is data