1955年创刊,是建国后创刊最早的文学杂志之一。欧阳山、肖殷、秦牧、陈国凯等著名作家曾任主编。好作品让生命发光全新改版 荣获“最美期刊”称号60年来,刊发过大量优秀文学作品,如巴金的散文《怀念肖珊》、王蒙的小说《最宝贵的》、陈国凯的小说《我该怎么办》等振聋发聩、开时代先声之作;《作品》还是最早刊发港台作家作品的文学期刊。以繁荣文学事业、推出名家力作、扶持文学新锐为己任;立足现实土壤,关注人心世相;以敏锐的艺术判断,前瞻性的文学触觉,培养和造就了大批作家;面向国内
Founded in 1955, it was one of the earliest literary magazines founded after the founding of the People’s Republic. Ouyang Shan, Xiao Yin, Qin Mu, Chen Guokai and other famous writers have served as editor-in-chief. Good works make life glow new revision won the title of “the most beautiful periodicals” 60 years, published a large number of outstanding literary works, such as Ba Jin’s essay “Missing Shanshan”, Wang Meng’s novel “most valuable”, Chen Guokai’s novel “I What to do ”and other deafening ephemera, the pioneer of the era;“ works ”or the first published works of Hong Kong and Taiwan literary periodicals. In order to flourish the literary career, the introduction of masters masterpiece, to support literary cutting-edge responsibility; based on the reality of the soil, pay attention to the world; with keen artistic judgment, forward-looking literary sense, to train and bring up a large number of writers;