去年十月,乘参加在意大利举行的世界中学生体联执委会之机,参观了罗马市的一所中学,与该校校长,教师座谈了解了一些意大利体育教育的概况,现作简要介绍。 一 意大利的学制与我国有所不同:孩子三岁入幼儿园,六岁进小学,十一岁入初中,十四岁入高中,十八岁高中毕业。高中分文科、理科,有技校和职校,有美术和艺术高中,还有三年制和五年制师范。大学阶段有三年制大专和四至六年的本科。大学毕业还可深造两年取得专
In October last year, I took a tour of a middle school in the city of Rome to attend the world high school student association executive committee held in Italy. I met with the principals and teachers of the university to get a brief overview of some Italian sports education. An Italian school system is different from our country: the child enters kindergarten at the age of three, enters elementary school at the age of six, enters the middle school at the age of eleven, enters senior high school at the age of fourteen, and graduates from high school at eighteen years of age. High school liberal arts, science, technical schools and vocational schools, art and art high school, as well as three-year and five-year teacher. College level three-year college and four to six years of undergraduate. Graduated from college can also study for two years to obtain special