蓟马(昆虫纲:缨翅目)是昆虫纲中有重要经济意义的目之一,由于个体微小,因此需要制作成高质量的玻片在高倍显微镜下观察和研究。如果玻片标本质量欠佳,常常导致无法鉴定其种类。不同的研究中处理蓟马标本的技术和方法各异。本文介绍一种新的制片方法,这一方法需要更少的化学药品,且适合处理深颜色的标本。而且,用这个方法处理的标本清晰,保持其自然体色,这些特征在鉴定种类时是十分必要的。本方法处理标本包括4个步骤:氢氧化钾透明(一般5% ~10%KOH溶液中,常温放置1 ~2 d或者100°C水浴加热1 ~2 h,处置时间随材料大小和颜色的深浅有所变化)、纯酒精脱水(材料透明后转移到纯酒精中浸泡4 ~5 min)、Hoyer s介质装片(滴一滴Hoyer s介质于载玻片中央,而后将脱水后的材料转移至介质中,用细拨针小心整翅、足以及触角的姿态,盖上盖玻片)和干燥贴标签(装片后放置在35 ~45°C烘箱中2 ~3 d或者室温下放置1星期,然后将采集信息、寄主信息以及鉴定表格制成标签,贴于玻片两侧),与其它制片方法相比,此法最简洁。文末对不同的制片方法作了比较和讨论。
Thrips (Insecta: Thysanoptera) is one of the important economic aspects of the Insecta family. Due to their small size, thrips need to be fabricated into high quality slides for observation and study under high magnification microscopy. Poor quality of slide specimens often leads to failure to identify their type. There are different techniques and methods for handling thrips specimens in different studies. This article describes a new production method that requires less chemicals and is suitable for processing darker specimens. Moreover, the specimens processed by this method are clear and maintain their natural body color, which are necessary for the identification of species. The method comprises the following steps that the sample is processed in four steps: potassium hydroxide is transparent (usually 5% to 10% KOH solution, put in 1 to 2 days at room temperature or 1 to 2 hours in a water bath at 100 ° C. The treatment time varies with the material size and color (The material is transferred to pure alcohol for 4 to 5 minutes after it is transparent), Hoyer’s medium is loaded (a drop of Hoyer’s medium is placed in the center of the slide, and the dehydrated material is then transferred to a medium Carefully cover the entire wing with fine needles, cover the cover glass, and dry the label (placed in an oven at 35-45 ° C for 2 to 3 days or at room temperature for 1 week, then The collection of information, the host information and identification forms made labels, affixed to both sides of the slide), compared with other production methods, this method is the most concise. At the end of the article, we compared and discussed different methods of making films.