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“和”(“跟、与”同)在句子中,是作介词用还是作连词用,这在几个事物名词作联合词组充当主语时是比较容易区别的。例: 机智和勇敢是战士的本色。粗心与专心如水与火不相容。这种类型的句子,我们不难看出“和”的词性。而在几个人名作联合词组充当主语或构成主语+状语结构时,就不能一目了然。前辈为我们指出了三条区别方法:其一,“和”之前后两个词是否可以相互换位;其 “And” (“he follow” and “same”) are used as prepositions or conjunctives in sentences, which is easier to distinguish when several things are nouns that make up a united phrase as a subject. Example: Tact and bravery are the true qualities of warriors. Carelessness and intent are incompatible with water and fire. This type of sentence, we can easily see the “and” part of speech. When several people’s names as a unitary phrase act as a subject or constitute a subject + adverbial structure, they cannot be seen at a glance. The seniors pointed out three different methods for us: First, whether the two words before and after the “and” can be interchanged;