0引言防避台风是个复杂的决策过程。传统的解决办法是将台风中心的预报位置与本船的船位点标绘在台风位置标示图上,研究本船与台风的相对位置及相互间动态的发展态势,然后用几何相对运动标绘的方法绘算出本船应采取的避台航向。常见的方法有扇形避台法、海图作业法和目标圆法等。[1]本文提出一种基于MFC(Microsoft Foundation Classes,是微软公司提供的一个类库(Class Libraries),
0 Introduction Prevention of Typhoon is a complex decision-making process. The traditional solution is to plot the forecast location of the typhoon center and the ship’s position on the map of the typhoon location to study the relative position of the ship and the typhoon and the dynamic development trend between each other. Then, a sketch of the geometric relative motion is drawn Calculate the ship should be taken to avoid the course. Common methods are fan-shaped avoidance method, chart method and target circle method. [1] This paper presents a based on MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes, Microsoft is a library provided by Class Libraries,