Gastric cancer is one of the most common malignancies in China. Its incidence rate is the third most common malignancy in most regions, and the first in general surgery. The mortality rate, according to the 1973-1975 national survey of malignant tumor deaths accounted for the first. Due to the lack of specificity of early clinical symptoms of gastric cancer, the diagnosis is often mostly in the late stage. The total 5-year survival rate after surgery was 20.8% to 31.2%. The clinical manifestations of gastric cancer and the clinical manifestations of the diagnosis of gastric cancer: (a) Progressive epigastric xiphoid pain, often from the beginning of the postprandial upper abdomen with mild pain, a sense of fullness, accounting for 83.3%. It is often misdiagnosed as ulcer disease. Afterwards, the tumor enlarges, appears persistent, has dull pain or dull pain, and even radiates to the shoulder and back, and it has reached the middle and late stage. And early stomach