Altogether, 23 women with Duchenne or Becker muscular dystrophy (DMD or BMD) have X; autosomal translocations with a break point on the X chromosome of p21 and therefore the etiology of the disease is a mutation in the Xq21 locus. The authors identified a fetus as a translocation of a female fetus from amniotic fluid cell karyotype 46, X, t (X; 4) (p21; q35) when routine amniotic fluid prenatal diagnosis was performed for women aged -31 years. In late X chromosome replication staining, we found that the normal X chromosome inactivation. Because the fetus has a break point on the X chromosome p21, the fetus is at increased risk for DMD or BMD. Parents willing to continue pregnancy. At birth, chromosomal translocations were confirmed in children and levels of serum creatine kinase (ek) significantly exceeded normal and were diagnosed as DMD. Children with three months and