补阳还五汤出自清代王清任的《医林改错》一书,由黄芪、当归、赤芍、地龙、桃仁、红花、川芎7味药组成,具有补气活血,疏通经络之功。原用于治疗中风半身不遂,气虚血瘀症。笔者运用此方治疗多种疾病,疗效颇优。现举隅如下。 1 阳萎 罗某,男,28岁,已婚,干部。1991年10月2日诊,患阳萎两年余,无明显诱因。曾在省某医院诊为“血管源性阳萎,”要求施
Buyang Huanwu Tang is a book of Wang Meiren’s “Medical Forest Correction” written by Wang Qingren from the Qing Dynasty. It consists of Huangqi, Chinese angelica root, red peony root, earthworm, peach kernel, safflower, and Chuanxiong. It has qi and blood circulation, and dredges meridians. . Originally used to treat hemiplegia without stroke, qi deficiency and blood stasis. The author uses this method to treat a variety of diseases, the effect is quite good. Here are some examples. 1 impotence Luomou, male, 28 years old, married, cadres. He was diagnosed on October 2nd, 1991 and suffered from impotence for more than two years. There was no obvious incentive. He was diagnosed as having “angiogenous impotence in a hospital in the province,” requesting