记不清多少次走进这位理发匠的小屋了,自打参加工作后,我便一直在老人这里理发。爱到这里,不仅因为老人这里便宜实惠而且又热情厚道,更因为与老人有一段忘年之交。 第一次走进老人的小屋,老人正在打盹,也许是生意不大好的缘故,老人连忙招呼我坐下,并为我递上烟,我礼貌地回绝。老人的地方不大,却干净整洁,收拾得井井有条。老人的工具很简陋,折叠椅是自己设计的,虽然硬了点,铺上坐垫,也还将就。老人没有豪华的梳妆台,只有一台老式抽屉桌,外加一块立式镜屏。一把电吹风和电剪刀,外加几瓶摩丝,便是老人合得上潮流的几样。
Can not remember how many times into the barber’s cabin, since the fight to work, I have been in the elderly haircut. Love here, not only because of cheap and affordable old people but also warm and kind, but also because of the elderly have a year of his turn. The first time into the elderly hut, the elderly are napping, perhaps the business is not good reason, the elderly quickly greeted me to sit down and handed me a cigarette, I politely refused. The place for the elderly is not big, but neat and tidy, packed and organized. The tools for the elderly are very simple, folding chairs are their own design, although the hard point, laying cushion, also will. The elderly do not have a luxurious dresser, only an old drawer table, plus a vertical mirror. A hair dryer and electric scissors, plus a few bottles of mousse, is the trend of the elderly fit a few samples.