In recent years, the Hollywood animation in the United States has shown subversion and innovation in the shaping of female characters. Three animated films featuring the protagonists of “the crazy primitives”, “brave legends” and “Frozen” have boldly abandoned the princely princess-like love theme , In turn, portrayed Eep, Merida and Elsa in the patriarchal society. The three main characters are clever and brave, capable and capable, independent and self-reliant, and showcasing the characteristics of women in the new era. The thoughtful cave man Yiu is persistent in his pursuit of inner desire to challenge the patriarchal law. The advocating freedom, Merida upholds self and resists the traditional marriage. The flamboyant Princess Aisha salutes itself for social repression and depreciation. These new images of women have played a positive role in helping modern independent women find themselves and explore intrinsic values.