以波长为1064nm的超短脉冲激光(脉宽为10ps)作为成丝激发源,引导自聚焦效应在蓝宝石内部产生了突破瑞利长度限制的成丝线迹。利用成丝区因相变而造成的与材料其他区域物相的不同,辅以化学腐蚀的方法,获得了切面粗糙度为800nm的蓝宝石切割件,该技术可实现自由路径切割。分析了皮秒激光的成丝特征和技术实现的工艺参数,确定了皮秒激光在蓝宝石内的自聚焦阈值功率为2.78×106 W,探究了激光峰值功率、聚焦位置及辐照点脉冲数对皮秒激光在蓝宝石内部成丝起始位置和切割质量的影响,获得了实现蓝宝石高精度切割的工艺参数。
An ultrashort pulsed laser with a wavelength of 1064nm (pulse width of 10ps) was used as the filament excitation source, and the self-focusing effect was induced to generate silk stitches with breakthrough Rayleigh length limitation in the sapphire. Utilizing the difference of the phases of other regions of the material due to the phase change in the silk-forming zone, combined with the chemical etching method, a sapphire cutting piece with a surface roughness of 800 nm is obtained, which can realize free-path cutting. Based on the analysis of the forming characteristics of the picosecond laser and the technical parameters of the technology, the self-focusing threshold power of the picosecond laser in the sapphire is 2.78 × 106 W. The peak laser power, the focal position and the number of pulses at the irradiation point The effect of picosecond laser on the starting position and cutting quality of the sapphire filament and the high-precision sapphire cutting process was obtained.