目前中国全面实施一对夫妇可以生两个孩子的政策,这对应对人口老龄化固然是积极措施,但随着工作压力、环境污染、自身生活习惯等一系列问题,导致不孕不育发病率持续上涨,目前有约20%的患者,其中男性不育约占生育问题的50%~([1])。对于采用辅助生育技术(assisted reproductive technology,A RT)的夫妇来说,男性精子质量至关重要,胞浆小滴(cytoplasmic droplet,CD)和过量残留胞浆
At present, China’s full implementation of a couple can have two children’s policy, which is certainly a positive measure to deal with the aging population, but with job stress, environmental pollution, their own habits and a series of problems, leading to the incidence of infertility Continued to rise, there are about 20% of patients, of which male infertility accounts for about 50% of reproductive problems ~ ([1]). For couples using assisted reproductive technology (A RT), male sperm quality is crucial, with cytoplasmic droplet (CD) and excess residual cytoplasm