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陆林是武汉市武珞路中学二年级的学生。今年14岁,别看他一脸稚气,却是全市有名的小发明家呢! 陆林的第一次发明是在1990年的夏天。那时陆林还刚满10岁,作为傅家坡小学测向队的一员,他参加了武汉市中小学无线电测向比赛。测向,要求参加者用最快的速度,在最短的时间里找到暗藏的电台。可是比赛一开始,陆林背着测向机,穿进树林没跑多远,头上的耳机线就让树枝给挂断了。这下可好,测向机成了“聋子的耳朵”再也听不到电台的信号了。陆林急得在树林里乱转,好不容易找到终点时,名次都被别人拿走了。 比赛结束后,陆林回到家躺在床上,怎么也睡不着。正在这时,他看见了放在桌上的收音机,随着收音机放送的音乐,收音机上的音响显示装置一闪一闪地发出红光。“灯光显示?”对,测向机的性能和收音机差不多,如果在测向机上装一个能发光的两极管,电台发出的信号不就既能通过耳机听到,又能通过发光两极管看到吗!这念头使陆林一阵兴奋,他从床上一跃而 Lu Lin is Wulu Road Middle School in Wuhan City, second-year students. 14 years old this year, do not look at him look childish, but it is the city’s famous small inventor too! Lu Lin’s first invention was in the summer of 1990. At that time, Lu Lin had just turned 10 years old. As a member of the direction test team at Fujiapo Primary School, he participated in the radio direction finding contest for primary and secondary schools in Wuhan. Orientation, requiring participants to use the fastest speed, in the shortest possible time to find a hidden radio. However, the beginning of the game, Lu Lin carrying a direction finder, did not wear into the woods how far, headphone line let the branches to hang up. This is fine, the finder becomes the “deaf ear” no longer hear the signal of the radio. Lulin anxious in the woods chaos turn, finally found the end, the rank was taken away by others. After the game, Lu Lin home in bed, how can not sleep. At this moment, he saw the radio set on the desk, and the sound display on the radio flashed red with the music on the radio. “Light show?” Yes, the performance of the finder is about the same as the radio, if installed in the direction finder can be a light-emitting diodes, the signal sent by the radio station can not only hear through the headphones, but also through the light-emitting diode to see This idea makes Lu Lin burst of excitement, he jumped from the bed
利用X-ray衍射、电子探针以及液态金属表面张力仪等分析方法对急冷Ni-Pd-Cr-Fe-B钎料进行了研究。结果表明:这种钎料的组织和化学成分均匀,并且具有良好的润湿性。 The quenched Ni-Pd-Cr-Fe-B f
Kinetic studies of the singlet oxygenation of the title compounds were performed accord-ing to Monroe’s method. The reaction rate increases with temperature d
本文介绍了RC169-I型小锯片连续烧结炉的设计原理、设计方法、设备结构、性能及技术参数,并阐述该设备投入运行后的效果。 This paper introduces the design principle, design met