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20世纪二三十年代,在上海尤其是法租界内活跃着大批朝鲜革命党。最初法租界允许他们自由居住,并且在一定程度上为他们提供政治庇护,并拒绝和日本政府合作来打压朝鲜革命党的活动。但是随着日本在东亚扩张的加速以及法国自身利益需要,上海法租界内的朝鲜革命党成为法国换取在日本活动的越南革命党的交换筹码,上海法租界对大韩民国临时政府及其他的朝鲜革命党人的政策也随之发生了转变,放弃了原有的不干涉政策,转而协助日本镇压朝鲜革命党所进行的独立运动。这一政策的转变发生在1925年,而非国内学术界所认定的1932年。总之,法租界警察在面对政治选择和利益诱惑的时候,争取法国在华利益最大化和利益交换是恒久不变的黄金法则。 In the 1920s and 1930s, a large number of North Korean revolutionary parties were active in Shanghai, especially in the French Concession. Initially, the French Concession allowed them to live freely and to some extent provided them with political asylum and refused to cooperate with the Japanese government in suppressing the activities of the North Korean Revolutionary Party. However, with the acceleration of Japan’s expansion in East Asia and the needs of its own interest, the PKR in Shanghai’s French Concession became the bargaining chip for the exchange of French-made Vietnamese revolutionary parties in Japan. The French concession in Shanghai condoned the interim government of the Republic of Korea and other North Korean Revolutionaries As a result, human policies have also changed, giving up the original policy of non-intervention and instead helping Japan to suppress the independence movement carried out by the KPR. This policy shift took place in 1925, not in 1932, as identified by domestic academics. In short, when the French Concession police are seizing the temptation of political choices and interests, it is a golden rule to strive for maximizing French interests and exchange of interests in China.