周恩来主持中央军委会议,确定创建 解放军的最高学府——陆军大学 中国人民解放军在实现由单一军种向包括有陆军、空军、海军以及炮兵、装甲兵、工程兵、铁道兵等技术兵种在内的诸军兵种的历史性转变后,1950年6月,周恩来以中央军委副主席的身份,主持召开中央军委会议,研究磋商创办全军军事院校的有关事宜。 朱德总司令、聂荣臻代总参谋长等出席了这次会议。 为什么要召开这样一次会议?据当时参加会议的肖克将军回忆: 1950年2月我接到军委命令,要我到北京出任
Zhou Enlai chaired the Central Military Commission, to determine the highest institutions to create the People’s Liberation Army - Army University Chinese People’s Liberation Army in the realization of a single service to include the Army, Air Force, Navy and artillery, armored, engineering, railway and other technical services, arms and arms In June 1950, Zhou Enlai, in his capacity as Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission, chaired a conference of the Central Military Commission to study and discuss issues related to the establishment and establishment of the military academy of the whole army. Commander-in-chief Zhu De and Nie Rongzhen acting chief of general staff attended the meeting. Why did such a meeting be held? According to General Xiao Ke, who attended the meeting at the time, I recall that in February 1950 I was ordered by the Central Military Commission to take me to Beijing