孙中山先生是 2 0世纪中国百年巨变的三位伟人之一 ,他首先喊出了“振兴中华”的口号。为推翻清王朝的封建专制统治 ,他亲自策划和领导了发生在广西边境的三次武装起义 ;他制定的《建国方略·实业计划》最早提出了建设钦州港、开辟西南出海通道的设想 ;他发动“援桂讨陆”战争 ,推翻了旧桂系军阀在广西的统治 ;他曾出巡广西、驻节桂林达半年 ,为整军北伐作准备。缅怀孙中山在广西的革命活动和业绩 ,更坚定了我们统一祖国和振兴中华民族的信心
Mr. Sun Yat-sen, one of the three great men who made tremendous changes in China in the 20th century, first shouted the slogan of “rejuvenating China.” In order to overthrow the feudal autocratic rule of the Qing Dynasty, he personally planned and led the three armed uprisings that took place on the border with Guangxi. He formulated the “Establishment of National Strategy and Industrial Plan” as the earliest proposal for establishing Qinzhou Port and opening up a channel for southwestern China going to sea. The “aid and discussion to land” war overthrew the rule of the old Guihua warlord in Guangxi. He had been on a tour of Guangxi and held a six-day stay in Guilin for the preparations for the Northern Expedition. In memory of Sun Yat-sen’s revolutionary activities and achievements in Guangxi, he even strengthened our confidence in reunifying the motherland and rejuvenating the Chinese nation