根据挤扩多支盘混凝土灌注桩 (以下简称多支盘桩 )的现场静载荷试验结果 ,分析多支盘桩的荷载传递机理。试验结果表明 ,随着竖向荷载的增加 ,由上到下各承力盘或分支先后发挥其端承作用 ;各承力盘或分支上、下一定范围内桩侧摩阻力不能发挥出来 ,建议在多支盘桩设计时 ,承力盘或分支间距宜不小于 (4~ 6)d (d为桩径 ) ;对于粉土、粉质粘土 ,桩侧极限摩阻力为 30~70kPa,所对应的极限位移为 5~ 2 0mm ;桩侧极限侧摩阻力和极限位移随土层埋深而增大。在相同条件下多支盘桩的极限承载力比等截面桩高 50 %。
According to the static static load test results of the multi-branch concrete cast-in-situ concrete pile (hereinafter referred to as multi-branch pile), the load transfer mechanism of multi-branch pile is analyzed. The experimental results show that with the increase of vertical load, the load-carrying plates or branches from top to bottom exert their end bearing effect one after another; the frictional resistance of pile side of each bearing plate or branch within a certain range can not be exerted, In the design of multi-branch pile, the bearing plate or branch spacing should be not less than (4 ~ 6) d (d is the pile diameter); for silt, silty clay, pile ultimate friction is 30 ~ 70kPa, the corresponding The ultimate displacement is 5 ~ 20mm; the ultimate resistance and ultimate displacement of pile side increase with the depth of soil layer. Under the same conditions, the ultimate bearing capacity of multi-branch pile is 50% higher than the equivalent cross-sectional pile.