随着新世纪的到来,越来越多的人已不满足于在家乡那一块小地方上生活与劳动,而是走进了广阔的世界。在大城市中,流动人口所占的比率很大。随之而来的一个问题也摆到了他们的面前,那就是对子女所持的教育观点及对子女的教育态度如何? 据初步调查,仅江苏省海安一个小小的县城,就有流动人口约几千人。而这些人中对子女的教育态度及教育现状大致可分为以下几类:
With the advent of the new century, more and more people are not satisfied with living and working in a small place in their hometown, but have gone into a vast world. In large cities, the proportion of migrants is high. One of the problems that has ensued has been placed before them: what is the educational view on children and how they are educated about their children? According to a preliminary survey, only a small county in Jiangsu Province, Haian, has a floating population of about Thousands. And these people’s education attitude to their children and education can be broadly divided into the following categories: