转眼间,2014 i DOCS国际纪录片论坛已经过去一个多月了,可在《数码影像时代》编辑部里,大家却从未冷却。坐在电脑前敲出“i DOCS”几个字母的时候,更在倾刻间感到整个身心都再次沸腾。感谢i DOCS创办人郑琼老师的心血付出,感谢任长箴导演的细致录音,感谢所有志愿者们的忘我奉献。作为影像创作专业媒体的我们,迫不及待地想要和更多热爱影像、热爱纪录片的朋友们分享今届
In an instant, it’s been more than a month since the 2014 i DOCS International Documentary Forum was held. In the editorial department of Digital Age, everyone never cooled down. Sitting in front of the computer typing out “i DOCS” a few letters, but also in the moment feel the whole body and mind are boiling again. Thanks to Professor Zheng Qiong, the founder of i DOCS, for his dedication and appreciation for the careful recording by Director Ren Chang-Pro and for the dedication and devotion of all volunteers. As a media professional in image creation, we can not wait to share with more friends who love videos and love documentaries.