日本帝国主义发动的侵华战争,从1931年9月18日至1945年9月2日长达14年之久,是中国近代史上的一场空前浩劫。这场战争给中华民族带来深重灾难,也使日本人民蒙受了莫大的痛苦。“前事不忘,后事之师”,深入探讨日本侵华战争的军事战略,对于研究日本帝国主义的侵略扩张政策,驳斥少数人为日本侵华罪行辩护的无耻谰言,对于研究中国抗日战争的进程和特点,都具有重要意义。(一) 军事战略,即协调地发展、部署和使用军事力量以达成国防战略目标的方针和策略,有时也称为战略方针。
The war of aggression against China launched by the Japanese imperialists, which lasted for 14 years from September 18, 1931 to September 2, 1945, is an unprecedented catastrophe in the modern history of China. The war brought great disaster to the Chinese nation and also caused great suffering to the Japanese people. “Formerly forgotten and funeral director” explores in depth the military strategy of the Japanese invasion of China. It is not shameless to study the policy of aggression and expansion of Japanese imperialism and refute the justification of the minorities in justifying Japan’s invasion of China. It is of great significance to the study of the anti-Japanese war in China Process and characteristics, are of great significance. (1) The military strategy, that is, the guideline and strategy for the coordinated development, deployment and use of military forces to achieve the strategic goal of national defense is also sometimes referred to as the strategic principle.