Feeder and Leader

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  【Abstract】In his novel The Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck depicted an unconquerable woman. Ma Joad tries hard to unite the family with her strong willpower and courage. She not only shows her generosity as a feeder but also takes over the dominant male role of the family as a leader. Ma Joad is definitly one of the brilliant images of the laboring people in the U.S. who represents the hope of the society.
  【Key words】female,Ma Joad,Feeder,Leader
  The Grapes of Wrath is an excellent novel of twentieth-century American literature. In 1940, the novel was awarded the Pulitzer Prize and adapted to the screen. Although its author, John Steinbeck, had a productive literary career and won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1962, none of his later books had the impact of The Grapes of Wrath.
  During the early 1930s, a severe drought led to massive agricultural failure in parts of the southern Great Plains, particularly throughout western Oklahoma and Texas. By the mid-1930s, the drought had destroyed countless farm families. Unable to pay their mortgages in the bank, many farmers were forced to leave their land and traveled to California in hopes of finding new ways of survival. Under such circumstances, Steinbeck decided to write a novel about the hardships of migrant farm workers. Then the novel The Grapes of Wrath came into being.
  The novel depicts not only a vivid picture of the Oklahoma farmers’ migrant lives but also reveal a picture of cruelty at that hard time, as pointed out in Henry Steele Commager’s book: “The Grapes of Wrath is more than the story of the flight of the Okies from the dust bowl to golden California. It is an indictment of the economy that drove them into flight, that took the land from those who had tilled it and handed it over to the banks, that permitted hunger in the land of plenty and lawlessness in the name of law and made a mockery of the principles of justice and democracy.” (The American Mind.)
  In this novel, there are some main characters, such as Tom Joad, Ma Joad, and Jim Casy. Undoubtedly, Ma Joad is the most glaring one. Steinbeck once described some character traits in his major female characters: “Endurance through adversity, a patient ability to ride with changing circumstances and yet retain an individual point of view, and a loving-kindness that, while not immune to adversity, nonetheless finds a straight and sure path through that adversity.” (John Steinbeck’s Fiction) Each of these traits is exemplified particularly well in Ma Joad, the major female character of The Grapes of Wrath. Ma Joad is a representative of brave laboring women. She plays an important role in the family since she has much experience and determination to hold the family together and to fight for their living. This paper will focus on the major images of Ma Joad in The Grapes of Wrath—Feeder and Leader.   The Image of Feeder
  In John Steinbeck’s Fiction, John H. Timmerman wrote: “The idea of the woman as matriarchal “Feeder” is important in twentieth-century southern fiction and characteristic of real migrant families on their long pilgrimage to California. The father is the worker-provider, the mother the nourisher-feeder—source of spiritual as well as physical nourishment.” (John Steinbeck’s Fiction) Ma Joad plays, in a sense, such a role as a “Feeder” of not only the Joad family but also other people.
  In chapter 8, when Pa Joad plays his little trick of introducing Tom and Casy as strangers, “‘Ma, there’s a couple fellas jus’ come along the road, an’ they wonder if we could spare a bite.’” Ma’s reaction is immediate: “‘Let’em come…We got a’plenty’”. That they do not have a plenty is undeniable, but not as undeniable as the need of others that Ma will always try to meet.
  With the starvation rampaging among the migrants the “Feeder” attained a role of huge significance. Her very food became symbolic of hope and unity and spiritual nourishment. In chapter 21, in the center of that raging hunger Ma Joad fixes the family meal, while the camp children watch with wolfish eyes: “The children, fifteen of them, stood silently and watched. And when the smell of the cooking stew came to their noses, their noses crinkled slightly”. Finally Ma, the Feeder and Nourisher, ladles out her stew for the others, saying as she does so, “‘I can’t send ’em away…I don’t know what to do’”.
  This same Feeder motif operates at the end of this novel, too. With Ma Joad’s influence and encouraging, Rose of Sharon breast-feeds a starved man. This time, Rose of Sharon replaces Ma Joad’s position and Ma’s role as the Feeder passes on her daughter.
  The Image of Leader
  Ma Joad also takes over the dominant leader role of the family so that her generosity and loving-kindness will prevail. As a feeder, she must be strong enough, for if the Feeder weakens, the family falls apart. Her fight is for the family—and indeed for the family of man—rather than for herself. Ma’s steel-like courage and control are strengthened on the desert crossing. While Connie and Rose of Sharon try in their desperate little privacy to make love, Ma Joad cradles the dying Grandma’s head in her lap, and even after Grandma dies, Ma retains the courage to bluff her way pass the border inspection.
  Spiritually and psychologically she assumes control over the family. Ma’s leader position is unfolded before our eyes in her several conflicts with Pa Joad. There is steel in Ma Joad’s hope. And when hopelessness first begins to descend upon the others, in chapter 16, Ma Joad begins to exert control, threatening Pa with a jack handle until she gets her way.
  She said softly: “On’y way you gonna get me to go is whup me.”
  She moved the jack handle gently again. “An’ I’ll shame you,
一、案例背景  传统的语法教学模式和方法,总是教师一味地讲理论,学生机械地记忆,再辅以大量练习进行巩固。这样的教学索然无味,一堂课下来,学生不知所谓,只能对着自己的笔记本‘望语法而兴叹’。 因而也就无兴趣可言。同时,教师所给例句往往彼此孤立,增大了学生的记忆强度,学习效率自然大打折扣。长此以往,大多数学生也就逐渐放弃了英语学习。  《英语教学大纲》中提到:充分利用直观教具和电化教学手段努力创造英语
【摘要】随着新课程改革的不断开展,素质教育理念逐渐深入人心。初中语文作为中学学科教学的重要组成部分,对提高学生的综合素质具有重要作用。但是,初中语文与小学语文相比,它对学生的想象力与创新性提出了更高的要求。本文首先对目前初中语文课堂教学中存在的问题进行了探讨与分析,同时对如何创新教学方法来打造高效课堂进行了研究与探索。以期能够有效提高初中语文课堂教学质量,促进学生综合素质的稳步提升。  【关键词】
【摘要】从教学例子出发,本文讨论了通过营造良好的学习环境和调动学生的学习积极性才能取得比较好的教学效果。  【关键词】教学效果 学习环境 学习积极性  中图分类号:G642 文献标识码:A  一 引言  作为学校图书馆电子阅览室的工作人员,平时工作中与教师和各年级的学生的接触颇多。在与教师和学生的交流中,感觉有不少学生缺乏学习积极性,从而使得整体的教学效果不好。据一位教师讲,他多年来一直为数学专业
【摘要】数学思想和方法已提高到不容忽视的重要地位。素质教育下的数学教学更注重数学品质的培养和数学能力的提高,这应试教育上升了一个新的台阶。在这新的台阶上,数学教师面临着一个新的课题——如何“渗透数学思想,掌握数学方法,走出题海误区。为此教师在教育教学过程应注意把数学的思想和方法应该占有中心的地位、明确数学思想和方法的丰富内涵、更新教育观念、遵循渗透原则、探索并掌握渗透的途径  【关键词】数学思想
【摘要】在化学教学中,如何把现代教学的观点、理论及措施传授给受教育者,使受教育者心理得到有效升华?愉快教学是首选的方法。愉快能使学生“乐学”,有利于大面积提高教学质量;愉快有利于减轻学生的精神负担,促进学生的精神健康和身心发展  【关键词】浅谈 化学 愉悦教学  现代教学理论认为,课堂教学的重点应放在促进受教育者全面发展和综合素质的全面提高以及注重人的创新精神和创新能力的培养上,那么,如何把现代教
【摘要】本文从《诗经·小雅·采薇》中所包含的征人的复杂的情感角度进行简要分析,剖析其纯真朴实的人性美。  【关键词】采薇 复杂情感 纯真朴实 人性美  关于《诗经》中的《小雅·采薇》,清代学者方玉润曾说:“此诗之佳,全在末章,真情实景,感时伤事,别有深情”,又说“末乃言归途景物并回忆来时风光,不禁黯然神伤,绝世文情,千古常新。”(《诗经原始》)而在笔者看来《采薇》一文之所以被吟诵千年,其成就并不完
每位教师都曾为其长久以来所扮演的社会角色而沾沾自喜,他们曾被美誉为“蜡烛”、“人类灵魂的工程师”、“园丁”、“一桶水”等等。但是这些称谓使人既喜且忧。  比如“教师是蜡烛”这一隐喻。一方面,它体现了教师行业的无私奉献精神;但另一方面,它又反映了一种重要的师生关系,即生重于师,光是有方向的,光总朝着一定的目标照,而作为教师的光只能跟着学生走,围着学生转,教师的自身发展没有得到重视,而事实上,教师作为
【摘要】拣麦穗这一行为,代表的是农村少女情感的期待与寄托。作者通过描写同村少女梦想的幻灭与失落以及大雁依恋卖灶糖的老汉的故事,但他最后老去,引起大雁无尽的悲伤,揭示了其对女性婚姻情感失落的控诉以及对柏拉图式美好情感的追求。  【关键词】拣麦穗 幻想 失落 柏拉图式  张洁的《拣麦穗》这一篇文章表达了其对待婚姻情感的态度。本文首先描写了同村少女们在拣麦穗时对梦中男子的期待,但现实却是事与愿违,她们嫁
【摘要】结合目前翻转课堂在教学中所面临的困难以及高中物理课的特点,文章以当下高中生及其家长的情况为基础,以《超重与失重》一课为例阐述如何在高中物理教学中体现以学生为主体,实施课堂翻转的理念。  【关键词】翻转课堂 高中物理 微课 课程设计  1. 翻转课堂的优势  传统的班级授课模式普遍存有以下几个问题:第一,课堂:学生进入课堂后,一节课大部分时间都在听老师讲课,然后带着老师布置的练习题各自回家完