遵照文化部图字[1993]第4号文《关于举办一九九三年度图书馆服务宣传周活动的通知》精神,我省各级公共图书馆紧紧围绕“图书馆与经济和社会发展”这个大主题,开展了第五届图书馆服务宣传周(以下简称“宣传周”)活动。这次活动总的情况是主题鲜明,形式多样,影响较大,效果较好。现将开展活动情况分述如下: 一、重视舆论宣传,扩大图书馆社会影响各馆未雨绸缪,以各种方式渠道组织广泛深入的宣传工作,在街头悬挂彩旗、横额、张贴海报;派员到厂矿、企业、学校、乡镇图书馆(室)联系,出宣传栏等等,营造气氛,吸引读者。珠海、潮州、开平、普宁等馆则通过新闻媒介,向社会介绍和宣传图书馆事业的发展。开平馆特请电台录制了宣传带,开出一辆宣传车,向广大市民宣传图书馆的性质、任务和在两个文明建设中的作用。宣传车所到之处,观者甚多,引起广大市民对图书馆的关注。
In accordance with the Circular No. [1993] No.4 of the Ministry of Culture, “Notice Concerning the Proposal of Holding Library Service Publicity Week of 1993”, the public libraries at all levels in our province closely focus on the “Library and Economic and Social Development” This major theme, launched the Fifth Library Services Publicity Week (hereinafter referred to as “Publicity Week”) activities. The overall situation of the event is a clear theme, diverse forms, great impact and good effect. The activities are now described as follows: First, pay attention to public opinion to expand the social impact of the library Museum pave the way for a variety of ways to organize extensive and in-depth propaganda work in the streets hanging bunting, banners, posters; sent to Factories and mines, enterprises, schools, township libraries (room) contact, out of the bulletin boards, etc., to create an atmosphere to attract readers. Zhuhai, Chaozhou, Kaiping, Puning and other museums through the news media, to the community to introduce and promote the development of the library. Kaiping Museum specially requested the radio station to record the propaganda belt and launch a publicity car to publicize the nature and mission of the library and the role of the library in building the two civilizations. Publicity car wherever he went, many viewers, causing the general public’s concern about the library.