澳大利亚Danielle Mazza教授全科医疗案例分析——全科医生如何接诊有乳腺癌或卵巢癌家族史者

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作为全科医生,要想给患者提供有效的临床保健建议,就需要有详尽的、多学科的临床知识。面对妇女健康领域的诸多问题,我们需要学习并掌握全面的、最新的妇女保健知识,澳大利亚Monash大学医学、护理和卫生科学部全科医学系主任丹尼尔·马扎(Danielle Mazza)教授为我们提供了一本很实用的学习用书,其主编的《Women’s Health in General Practice》,涵盖了从少女至更年期妇女的整个生命周期中可能遇到的所有问题,包括月经问题、避孕、流产、不孕不育、孕前及产后保健、乳腺疾病、泌尿系疾病以及家庭暴力等。本书以病例解析的形式详细阐述了全科医生是如何对上述疾病进行诊断、鉴别诊断、治疗、评估和管理的。为方便广大全科医生学习,中国全科医学杂志社委托海淀区妇幼保健院对此书进行了翻译,其中文版《全科医学之妇女保健》现已在国内出版发行,并受到了全科医生的广泛关注和认可。本刊对该书中的部分病例进行了整理并陆续刊出,以供国内全科医生借鉴,使其在全科医疗中为来诊者提供具有最新证据支持的高质量的保健咨询服务。更多案例分析详见我刊网站(http://www.chinagp.net)“期刊检索/电子期刊”版块。 As a general practitioner, detailed and multidisciplinary clinical knowledge is required to provide effective clinical care advice to patients. Faced with many issues in the field of women’s health, we need to learn and master the comprehensive and up-to-date knowledge of women’s health. Professor Danielle Mazza, Head of Department of General Practice Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, Monash University, Australia, provided us with A very useful book for learning, its chief editor, “Women’s Health in General Practice,” covers all issues that may be encountered throughout the entire life cycle of girls, including menopausal women, including menstrual problems, contraception, miscarriage, infertility , Pre and postnatal care, breast disease, urological diseases and domestic violence. This book details how GPs diagnose, differentiate, diagnose, treat, assess, and manage these disorders in the form of case studies. In order to facilitate the study of general practitioners, the Chinese General Practice Medical Association commissioned the Haidian District Maternal and Child Health Hospital to translate the book. The Chinese version of “General Practitioner’s Women’s Health Care” is now published and distributed throughout the country The doctor’s widespread concern and recognition. Some of the cases in this book have been collated and published in succession for use by domestic general practitioners to provide high quality health advisory services to clinicians with the latest evidence in general practice. More case studies can be found in our website (http://www.chinagp.net) “Journal Search / Electronic Journal ” section.
目的:测定炎痛净乳膏中双氯苯酸钠和苯佐卡因的含量。方法:高效液相色谱法,甲醇为提取溶剂,地西泮为内标,Nova Pak C色谱柱,甲醇-水-冰醋酸(80:20:0.5)为流动相,检测波长为283nm。结