1985年11月,我们将采自四川大邑、湖北江陵和安徽贵池的钉螺(分别简称为川、鄂和皖螺),人工投放于四川巫山县(非血吸虫病流行区)的控制现场上,对其生存和繁殖活动进行了为期一年的观察。 方法 现场位于长江支流大宁河入江口附近,海拔高程约120m,曾被十年一遇的洪水淹没,土壤湿度常在20%以上。现场土壤为老冲积土,质地轻粘,长有杂草。巫山县气候特点与湖北流行区相近。 将实验钉螺逐一挑选后投放现场。为便于回收,不使钉螺遗失,特制了若干体积为60×30×30cm的尼龙纱螺笼,每只笼内投放采自同一地的钉螺100只,雌性略多于雄性。箱底铺有5~10cm厚的现场泥土,其表面钉螺密度约50只/0.11m~2,接近鄂螺采集地的水平。为便于比较,分别在川螺采集地和
In November 1985, we collected oncomelania from Dayi in Sichuan Province, Jiangling in Hubei Province and Guichi in Anhui Province (abbreviated as Sichuan, E and Wanluo, respectively) and put them on the control site in Wushan County, Sichuan Province (non-schistosomiasis endemic area) Conducted a one-year observation of its survival and reproduction activities. Method The site is located near the inlet of the Daning River at the tributary of the Yangtze River. The elevation is about 120m. It has been inundated by floods once in ten years and the soil moisture is often above 20%. The site of the old alluvial soil, light sticky texture, long weeds. The climate characteristics of Wushan County are similar to those in Hubei Province. The experiment snail one by one after the selection of the site. In order to facilitate the recovery, do not make the snail lost, specially made a number of nylon gauze 60 × 30 × 30cm volume cage, put in each cage from the same snail 100, female slightly more than male. Bottom shop with 5 ~ 10cm thick soil on the site, the surface of snail density about 50 /0.11m ~ 2, close to E Luo collection site level. For ease of comparison, respectively, in Sichuan snail collection and