
来源 :和田师范专科学校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zidapp
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对于各个行业乃至整个社会经济的发展而言,一个高效的运作机制是必不可少的。而公用事业的改革与发展是关系到国计民生的重大问题,一直都是人们关注的焦点,在我国反垄断法征求意见稿正在如火如荼讨论中时,有关公用事业的议题便更是引起了各方的重视。如果给予公用事业特殊的处理方式,是否会有悖于反垄断法的规制目标;政府给了公用事业自由竞争的空间,又如何保障公民的权益。在公用企业民营化的呼声下,市场规制相关法律应当起到它应有的作用,只有立法先行,才能有力保障和平衡各方利益,让公用事业得到更好的发展,为公民提供更好的产品和服务。 For all industries and the entire social and economic development, an efficient operation mechanism is essential. However, the reform and development of public utilities is a major issue related to the national economy and the people’s livelihood. It has always been the focus of attention. When the draft of the draft for the anti-monopoly law is being discussed in full swing, the issues relating to public utilities are even more aroused the concern of all parties Pay attention. If given special treatment of public utilities, will it run counter to the regulatory objectives of the anti-monopoly law; the government gave the free competition of public utilities space, but also how to protect the rights and interests of citizens. In the wake of the privatization of public enterprises, the relevant laws on market regulation should play its due role. Only by legislating first can we effectively safeguard and balance the interests of all parties so that public utilities can be better developed and citizens can be provided with better product and service.