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消费者利益保护在反不正当竞争法中的地位愈发重要,一般消费者标准是对此的制度供给,它包含两方面的内容:一是确立一般消费者形象作为判断主体,二是根据注意程度的影响因素确立消费者注意水平。确立一般消费者形象需要考虑社会、文化和语言等因素的影响以及个别情况下的特殊消费者。消费者注意程度受到“动机”与“能力”因素的综合影响。在不同竞争行为中,消费者注意水平需要遵循具体情况具体分析的思路来确定。 Consumer protection is becoming more and more important in anti-unfair competition law. The general consumer standard is the institutional supply of this system. It contains two aspects: First, establish the general consumer image as the main body of judgment; second, The level of influence determines the level of consumer attention. Establishing a general consumer image requires consideration of the social, cultural and linguistic influences, as well as the special consumer in individual circumstances. The degree of consumer attention is influenced by the combination of “motivation” and “competence”. In different competitive behaviors, the level of consumer attention needs to be determined according to the concrete analysis of specific situations.
翻译法是我国英语教学中出现和运用得最早的方法之一,虽然在后来的发展中不断涌现出其他的教学方法,可是在我国多年的英语教学发展中,依然看到英语语法翻译这一方法占主体地位。语法翻译法总的来讲,适应我国当前中学英语教学。  一、语法翻译法适应我国当前中学英语教育中机制方面的实际情况,维护我国的中学英语教学  我国目前中学英语教育是为完成九年义务教育或是为进一步学习而展开的。在这种目的机制下,英语教学就是应