黄渤海是我国北方重要海区,北起辽东湾,南至长江口,南北跨越6 0 0多海里,是我国重要的海洋区域。它的地理位置十分重要,素有京津门户之称,担负着保卫华北地区的重任。加强海洋水文气象环境极值分布的特征研究,对于开发海洋资源、维护海洋权益、提高部队战斗力、保护海上航运安全以及整个渤海经济圈具有重要意义。本文将对黄渤海的海洋环境进行分析,并对风速年极值和浪高年极值以及流速极值的情况进行研究。
The Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea are important maritime areas in northern China, with Liaodong Bay in the north and the Yangtze River estuary in the south. The South China Sea and the Yellow Sea span more than 600 nautical miles, making it an important maritime area in China. Its geographical location is very important, known as the gateway to Beijing and Tianjin, shoulder the important task of defending North China. Strengthening the research on the extreme distribution of marine hydrological and meteorological environments is of great significance for developing marine resources, safeguarding the rights and interests of the oceans, raising the combat effectiveness of the armed forces and protecting the safety of maritime shipping and the entire Bohai economic zone. This article will analyze the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea marine environment, and the extreme values of annual wind speed and wave extremes extreme value and the flow rate of the case study.