重庆市涪陵区人武部适应市场经济新形势,把年度民兵组织整顿工作作为“重头戏”之一来抓落实,重点抓好了基干民兵、民兵应急分队、民兵专业技术分队和民兵信息网的编组和建设。 抓试点;树标杆示范作用效果好。我们针对全区新进入武装系统工作的干部较多、年纪较轻、没
The Fuling District People’s Armed Forces in Chongqing adapted to the new situation of market economy and took the rectification work of the annual militia as one of the “major plays”. The Militia Division of Fuling District of Chongqing focused on the formation of the backbone militia, the militia contingent, the militia specialized technical unit and the militia information network Construction. Grasp the pilot; tree pole demonstration effect is good. We have more cadres who are new to the armed forces in the region and are young and not at all