为应对城镇化进程中防洪、水资源短缺和水环境保护等方面的挑战,墨尔本创造性地提出了以水敏性城市设计(Water Sensitive Urban Design)为核心的雨洪管理模式,实现了从传统雨洪管理到现代雨洪管理的转变,将主要以水量控制的传统管理模式改变为水量和水质并重控制的现代管理模式。同时,进一步推进雨水收集利用,促进雨洪管理设施和城市景观的有机融合,实现了城市发展和自然水环境的和谐共存。本文通过对墨尔本雨洪管理实践发展理念、技术体系和主要途径的简要介绍,以期对国内城市雨水资源的利用和管理起到一定的借鉴作用。
In response to the challenges of flood control, water scarcity and water environment protection in the urbanization process, Melbourne creatively proposed a rainwater management model centered on Water Sensitive Urban Design, The shift from flood management to modern stormwater management will change the traditional management mode of water control into a modern management mode that controls both water and water quality. At the same time, it will further promote the collection and utilization of rainwater, promote the organic integration of stormwater management facilities and urban landscape, and achieve the harmonious coexistence of urban development and natural water environment. In this paper, a brief introduction of the concept, technical system and main approaches to rainstorm management in Melbourne is introduced in this paper, which will be helpful to the utilization and management of domestic urban rainwater resources.