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随着小学数学新课标的推进,小学生的数学学习应该是现实的、多样化的、有趣的,探索性学习活动应该成为数学学习的主要方式之一。为了改变学生的学习方式,实现数学学习由被动向主动、枯燥向有趣、单一向丰富的转变,在数学教学中要积极开展数学综合实践活动。 With the progress of the new curriculum standard of primary school mathematics, primary school mathematics learning should be realistic, diversified, interesting and exploratory learning activities should become one of the main ways of learning mathematics. In order to change the way of learning for students and to realize the transformation of mathematics from passive to active, boring to interesting and singular to rich, mathematics teaching should actively carry out comprehensive mathematics practice.
简要地叙述了脉冲YAG激光焊接技术在显像管电子枪生产中的应用特点,探讨了电子枪激光组焊的理论依据及工艺参数选择方法。 The application characteristics of pulse YAG laser