有“中国签名艺术创意第一人”之称的黑笔曾给张艺谋、倪萍等明星大腕儿设计过签名,一部由他担当主讲人的签名艺术讲座正在一家中央级的电视台热播。 “黑笔”本名常青,前台的风光遮掩不住其幕后“一地鸡毛”般的个人生活。他是山东滕州人,当初,他和颇有些名气的女诗人渠惠一道来北京打工时,同居生活数年,并生育了两个儿子。后来,他逃离“一地鸡毛”般的同居生
The black pen with the title of “the first person in China’s signature art and creativity” has already signed autographs for big stars such as Zhang Yimou and Ni Ping. A lecture art lecture by him as a presenter is being broadcast by a central television station. “Black Pen” real name of its own name, the scenery of the front cover can not cover its behind the scenes “feathery” personal life. He was a native of Tengzhou in Shandong Province. Originally, he and several well-known female poet Duan Hui came to work in Beijing for several years living together and had two sons. Later, he escaped “feather-like” cohabitation