党家村位于陕西省韩城市区东北9公里,距黄河仅3公里。村落后于南北有塬,东西走向呈“宝葫芦”状的沟谷之中,村南有泌水绕行,形成依塬傍水之势。村外塬上林木茂密,泌水四季清流潺潺,两岸果园、菜田连片,沿河两岸绿树成阴,村内井水甘甜,村寨地形奇特,环境优美,空气清新,气候宜人,屋宇数百年微尘不染,洁净如新,世人皆称党家村文星塔上有“避尘珠”。 党家村始建于元至顺二年(公元1331年)。村中现有保存完好的元、明、清时期的四合院137座,其中明正统元年至景泰年间(公元1436-1456年)14
Dangjia village is located in Hancheng urban area of Shaanxi Province 9 kilometers northeast of the city, only 3 kilometers away from the Yellow River. After the village in the north and south have highland, east-west trend was “treasure gourd” shaped valley, south of the village there is bleeding around the formation of high potential by the plateau. On the plateau of the village, there are dense forests and gurgling streams, and the orchards and vegetable fields on both banks of the Taiwan Strait are covered with green trees on both banks of the river. The village is well-watered. The village has unique terrain, beautiful environment, fresh air and pleasant climate. Dust is not dyed, as clean as the new, the world is known as the party village Wenxing tower “dust beads.” Party Village was founded in Yuan Shishun two years (AD 1331). The village has well-preserved Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties of the courtyard of 137, which Ming and Qing dynasties to Jingtai years (1436-1456) 14