Current Challenges in learnning English for EFL learners: The case of junior high school and senior

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  In the past several decades,through the lasting effort of several generations,the English teaching and learning in China has achieved great achievements, but there is still existing problems.
  The problems mainly exists in the following.
  parts: learners, teachers, teaching methods and materials.
  1. Problems on the part of learners
  It is self-evident for language learners to communicate in the process of learning, and English learning is no exception.However, in China, it’s pity that there is seldom environment that makes students familiar with the native English .Many schools may organize associations in the aspect of English speaking for students.
  To acquire the English test scores effectively, students only focus on reading and writing. Generally speaking, the motivation of students for English learning is same. Most students regard English just as a course that should be passed and do not understand its importance as a means of communication.To be successful in some important examinations, for example college entrance examination, students only have a good mastery of vocabulary, grammatical rules, and reading comprehension, they pay little attention to speaking.
  2. Problems on the part of teachers
  As the main person who imparts English, teachers play an important role in the process of teaching.However, most teachers judge their students by students’ examination grades. In the eyes of most teachers, a good student is the one who do well in his academic performance. Most teachers help students cope with examination in order to get or keep a good reputation as good teachers.
  China has a vast territory, with the rapid development of market economy, the development of society, culture and education is not balanced. The uneven distribution of educational resources is not an exception. As one of teaching resources——teachers, the level of them is also uneven. Most teachers are willing to go to big cities for their later life development. As a result, teacher resources in backward areas cannot meet the needs of development. Therefore, qualified families sent their children to school in big cities. It also aggravates the loss of teacher resources go further.
  3. Problems on part of teaching methods
  For a long time, primary schools’ English teaching is the teacher-centered. In class, the teacher explains the meaning and grammar of the text. While students sit there passively receive them. With the increasing number of students, this old teaching equipment conditions have become difficult to catch up.   Some teachers can’t keep pace with the time in teaching methods. Although teachers are encouraged to use different assessments. During the school year, they seldom use these new qualified assessments.
  4. Problems on part of teaching materials
  For chinese students,the main materials of English laeaning is textbooks.In China, theory are accounted for a large proportion in textbooks.Besides,a big problem in English learning which students encounter is that the tasks included in their textbooks is not authentic. The tasks don’t give them enough practice in the skills they will need.
  Another problem of materials is lack of coherence between junior and senior middle school , there are too much unnecessary repetition in the textbooks. Due to the different teaching focus in each stage, English learning in junior and senior school is mainly based on a few teaching books and focused on the teaching of grammar. Therefore, students’ vocabulary and reading ability are relatively small and their language application ability is poor. In senior school, English is focused on mastering the usage of vocabulary and fixed expressions rather than unreasonable division of lobor, which cause negative consequence.
  The examination reforms plan has been announced, which highlights the continuous importance of English and implicates that our society is still is urgent need of graduates with qualified command of English language competence, especially the communicate competence, so a higher requirement for much more efficient and effective English classroom teaching is called upon .We need to improve students’ learning from these 4 main parts.
  [1]Aliakbari,M.The place of culture in the Iranian English textbook in high school level.Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics[J].2005,9(1):163-179.
【摘要】初中英语教学应该注重学生能力的培养,发现问题、分析问题、解决问题的能力培养,阅读能力更是英语教学的一个难点,也是考试测试的一个重点。学生阅读能力的培养不仅可以提高学生的综合能力,更有利于学生对英语的终身学习。  【关键词】初中英语;阅读能力;培养  【作者简介】林宝珠,晋江市丰光中学。  英语阅读一直是广大教师的一个“难点”,也是学生要啃的一块“硬骨头”,老师们想让学生提高阅读能力,就要让
【摘要】阅读和密不可分、相辅相成。阅读是写作的基础,能够为写作积累丰富的素材,写作是阅读的结果,能够促进阅读能力的提高。鉴于阅读和写作的密切联系性,英语教师在日常教学中应该根据教材的特点、阅读与写作的技巧和学生的需求采取行之有效的措施促进阅读与写作相互结合,进而提高高中学生的英语综合能力。本文主要阐述如何通过阅读来提高写作能力。  【关键词】高中英语;阅读与写作;整合教学模式  【作者简介】刘佳星
【摘要】众所周知,初中英语写作教学是英语教学中的一个重要组成部分,初中生打下良好的英语写作基础是其在接下来高中与大学进行英语学习的基础。因此在初中英语写作教学中如何更为有效的提升教学效果就显得至关重要。但是现阶段初中的英语写作教学中还是存在着一些问题。笔者通过从教师与学生两个方面来详细剖析现阶段初中写作教学的现状,同时提供一些自身的参考意见来抛砖引玉,供大家商榷。  【关键词】初中英语中学;英语写
【摘要】初中英语阅读教学是英语教学中的一个重要部分,培养和提高学生的阅读理解能力是阅读课的主要目的。《英语新课程标准》积极倡导任务型教学,而本文要阐述的内容就是任务型教学在英语阅读课文中的应用。在英语教学中积极运用任务型教学,将有利于提高初中英语教学的水平,提高学生运用语言的交际能力。  【关键词】任务型教学;英语阅读  【作者简介】石颖,江苏省镇江实验学校魅力之城分校。  一、任務型教学的渊源 
【摘要】PBL教学法是一种老师指导学生,由学生总结问题,互相讨论的学习方法。在教学过程中,老师会引入疑问,学生应用所学到的知识展开深刻讨论,在讨论过程中加深理解。该教学方法从加拿大引进,是国内目前较为主流的教学方式,其轻松活跃的教学氛围,提高了学生的动脑能力,通过讨论,促进学生们进行知识交流。本文立足当前医学院英语教学现状,就PBL教学在基础课教育中的意义以及应用优势特点做出详细说明。  【关键词
【摘要】因生源质量不高、学校引导不够等原因,海南省高职高专学生英语考试情况较差,本文通过对海南省高职高专在校大学生英语考情现状的分析,并就其中出现的问题提出对策。  【关键词】高职高专;大学生;英语;考试  【作者简介】周华侨,三亚航空旅游职业学院国际旅游学院。  为了促进在校大学生英语交际能力,提升就业竞争力,我国高校普遍都会安排在校大学生参加英语考试,以便及时取得英语证书,比较常见地有大学英语
【摘要】中职学校汽车专业的学生,除了需要进行专业知识和技能的学习之外,专业英语的学习也很重要,它直接关系到学生在将来的汽车行业中的工作质量和办事效率。本文从当前中职学校汽车专业英语教学存在的问题着手,分析了形成的原因,提出了教学改革的重要性以及一些具体的改革措施,以改善中职学校汽车英语教学质量, 提升其实用性,使其与现代汽车行业有效衔接。  【关键词】汽车英语;教学;衔接  【作者简介】韦春甜,女
【摘要】在中学的英语课堂教学过程中,增进学生关于自主学习能力的提高以及学习兴趣的提升,对于提高学生的学习效率以及学习品质和开发学生的创新性思维具有重要意义。教师在进行中学英语课堂教学活动中应当转变传统的教学理念以及教学方式,从激发学生的学习兴趣以及积极引导、引发学生的思考反思和精细讲解四个方面着手进行,激发学生的主体意识,增进学生的自主学习能力培养。  【关键词】中学英语;课堂教学;自主学习  【
【摘要】在社会发展多元化的背景下,公示语成了一个地区或城市人文环境重要的构成元素,公示语翻译的质量也是一个城市人文素养和整体素质直接显现。显然,增强公示语英译有效性、提升翻译质量和水平是十分有必要的。本文探讨了公示语的特点和功用,对公示语英译原则进行了探讨,进而提出了增强公示语英译有效性的技巧和路径。  【关键词】公示语;英译;有效性;路径  【作者简介】郝彩玲(1979-),女,宁夏固原人,宁夏