泛 CBD 的盛行,使东区在刹那之间变成了公寓开发的乐土,从稚气未脱直奔花样年华,源动力当然来自于在此安营扎寨的地产大腕们;而产品的花样,归根结底还是人的花样。 CBD 东移已成定局.央视东迁.大批服务性公司即将涌入泛 CBD 地区朝阳北路全线贯通,朝阳路要改造,西大望路要改造.通惠河北路也要改造……CBD 绝对是方热土.政府关注、企业争相往里涌,就连绝对需要安静的住宅产业也纷纷奔向彼处“试水”.在浓厚的商业环境浸染下.形成了有 CBD 特色的居住氛围。说实话.居住在 CBD 核心区确实有些难度,把眼光稍稍挪远一点。情况也许会有些不一样,于是众多开发商打起了泛 CBD 的主意.于是东区在刹那之间变成了公寓开发的乐土.从稚气未脱直奔花样年华.源动力当然来自于在此安营扎寨的地产大腕们;而产品的花样.归根结底还是人的花样。
Pan-CBD prevalence, so that the East in an instant into a paradise for apartment development, from the childish went straight to the Mood for Love, source of course, come from the besieged here in the real estate bigwigs; and product designs, in the final analysis, or human Pattern. CBD eastward is a foregone conclusion. CCTV eastward. A large number of service companies are about to flood Pan-CBD area Chaoyang North Road across the board, Chaoyang Road to be transformed, West Dawang Road to be transformed. Tonghui Hebei Road to be transformed ... ... CBD is absolutely The government is concerned about the influx of companies competing, even the absolute need quiet residential industries have run toward each other “test the water.” In the strong commercial environment, the formation of the CBD has the characteristics of the living environment . To be honest, living in the CBD core area is indeed some difficulty, look a little further. The situation may be somewhat different, so many developers play the idea of the Pan-CBD. So in an instant between the East into the paradise of apartment development .From the childish went straight to the Mood for Love .On the source of power, of course, come in camp here The biggest names in the real estate are; and the pattern of the product is ultimately human tricks.