《上海档案》杂志编辑几次向我约稿,由于琐事多,久久没能交卷。近日整理旧稿,翻出了珍藏着的朱自清先生的亲笔书信和文稿手迹。这几份朱自清的手迹原本都是他写给我的老师林仲铉先生的,后来林先生因见我研究朱自清,便将他珍藏着的朱自清先生的书信和文稿手迹割爱转赠予我。以下,我就讲述一下这几份朱自清手迹的背景故事吧。 一九四六年七月十五日,闻一多在昆明遭到国民党特务杀害时,朱自清正在四川成都。当时他任西南联大中文系教授,夫人陈竹隐和子女住在成都,暑期放假,来自清乃回家和妻儿相聚。门日,他在四川报纸上得知闻一多遇害的噩耗,当晚即给闻一多夫人高孝贞写了一封信,表示对闻一多被害的愤慨,对闻夫人进
“Shanghai Archives” editors several times to my appointment, due to more than a trifle, long time failed to hand over. Recently, the old manuscripts have been sorted out and the personal handwritten letters and manuscripts drafted by Mr. Zhu Ziqing have been turned up. These few copies of Zhu Ziqing’s original handwriting were originally written by Mr. Lin Zhong-hyun, my teacher. Later, because of my study of Mr. ZHU Zi-qing, Mr. Lin handed me the copy of his collection of Zhu Ziqing’s letters and scriptures. Below, I will tell you a few background stories of Zhu Ziqing’s handwriting. On July 15, 1946, when Wen Yiduo was killed by KMT agents in Kunming, Zhu Ziqing was in Chengdu, Sichuan. At that time, he was a professor at the Department of Chinese at Southwest Associated University, his wife Chen Zhuyin and his children live in Chengdu, the summer holiday, coming home from his home with his wife and children together. On the next day, he learned in Sichuanese newspaper about the bad news of the massacre of Wen Yiduo. That night, he wrote a letter to Mrs. Wen Xiaodao, the wife of Wen Yiduo, expressing her indignation over Wen Yiduo’s murder and his wife’s mischief