Although SHPB technology can easily derive the dynamic stress-strain relationship of materials, it can not directly reveal the deformation characteristics of materials under impact load, which is an important aspect of the research on mechanical properties of foam metals. Therefore, a set of SHPB-high-speed camera system was designed in this paper. In this system, the deformation of aluminum foam specimens in SHPB experiment was tracked in real time. Then the dynamic deformation of aluminum foam specimens was analyzed by image processing software. The displacement information was extracted and the deformation history curve of aluminum foam specimens was obtained. In addition, the deformation information of the specimen was also obtained by SHPB post-processing. Finally, the deformation information obtained by these two methods was compared and found that the data obtained by these two methods can be well matched. This shows that the experimental method designed in this paper can effectively track the deformation of aluminum foam specimens during the SHPB experiment.