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  近日,法兰克福展览公司印度分公司宣布收购印度次大陆最大的健身与健康展Fitex India。该展会从2014年创办,每年在德里举办。2016年展会迎来42家参展商,接待12000名专业观众,展会总面积为7000平米。
  2018年第四届展会将于5月5-6日在India Expo Centre & Mart博览中心举办,由法兰克福展览和原主办方联合组织。并购之后,法兰克福展览在印度的展会项目增加到20个。

  Messe Frankfurt takes over Fitex
  Messe Frankfurt Trade Fairs India, the Indian subsidiary of Messe Frankfurt, is taking over the largest fitness and health fair on the subcontinent. Fitex India was acquired from the previous owner and organiser Smart Events headquartered in the state of Haryana.
  Since its debut in 2014, Fitex India has taken place annually in Delhi. At the event in 2016, 42 exhibitors attracted 12,000 trade visitors on a surface of 7,000 square metres including special event areas with a live stage, training section, and fringe events. The fourth edition of the sector meeting will take place May 5 to 6, 2018 in the India Expo Centre & Mart. The trade fair is organised by the two companies jointly. After this acquisition, Messe Frankfurt has 20 fairs and more than 35 conferences in its portfolio in India. messefrankfurt.com/FitexIndia
  日前,博闻公司时装展部门与美国时装设计师委员会(CFDA )达成独家合作协议,共同支持美国时装设计师和时装品牌,并鼓励新秀设计师的成长和时装行业的整体发展。作为合作协议的一部分,CFDA 与博闻时装展部门将共同打造一些项目,帮助新秀设计师实现商业成功。双方还将进一步探讨纽约时装周和相关时装推广周的举办时间。
  Fashionable partnership
  UBM Fashion has partnered with the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) on an exclusive partnership designed to support American fashion designers and brands and promote the growth of emerging talent and the fashion industry as a whole. As part of the partnership, CFDA and UBM Fashion will create programs that help talented emerging designers bridge the gap between compelling design and commercial success.
  UBM Fashion and the CFDA will also collaboratively coordinate the timing of New York Fashion Weeks and related Market weeks for men’s and women’s fashion. Additionally, PROJECT will present four participating Designers for the first time during NYFW.
  More investment in quality of trade fair appearances
  According to the result of the AUMA MesseTrend 2018 survey of 500 representative selected companies that primarily exhibit at B2B fairs, German business continues to rely heavily on personal communication and real product presentations in its B2B marketing. More than one quarter (28%) of German companies that exhibit at trade fairs want to invest more money in these participations both in Germany and abroad in 2018 and 2019. Another 57% plan to spend at the same level, and only 14% anticipate lower expenditures. On average, companies want to increase their trade fair budgets by 4% for the next two years compared with 2016-2017.
On 12 to 14, January, as one of the most important communication platform for global exhibition industry, the 13th China Expo Forum for International Cooperation (CEFCO 2017) was held in Macao, China.
良好的组织性  如果参展商想大幅削减参展成本,就必须有周密的计划性。尽可能早地完成所有必要的措施和任务是非常重要的,这样就可以不错过各项工作的截止期限。此外,良好的组织性可以使企业不忽视任何隐藏的成本因素,从一开始就省去最后关头因忘记某物而造成的昂贵的快递费用。通常情况下,展商应该在会展活动开始不晚于前十天订购现场所需的相关服务,如电话、互联网、电力和水。實践表明,如果在此日期之后才预订,一般这些
珀斯是一个让人们感到受欢迎的城市,市内有很多新的酒店、饭店和酒吧,商店数量繁多,市容市貌非常多元。而这所有的一切距离珀斯会展中心仅有不远的步行距离,所以,参会代表们都非常喜欢到会展中心来参加活动。  记者:首先请您简单介绍一下珀斯会展中心的设施。  答:珀斯会展中心是西澳大利亚唯一的专业会展场馆,拥有优良的会展设施,为到此参加会展活动的企业、行业协会、社区居民等提供良好的促进交流的机会。  会展中
当前,德国各大会展企业纷纷通过数字化渠道提升竞争力和内部运营效率。法兰克福展览公司正在投资其数字服务。“总的来说,这几乎是一个八位数的总投资。”公司的首席执行官Wolfgang Marzin表示。“我们在全球范围内的30个子公司都引入了数字应用,这一进程目前正在大力推进之中。”对于法兰克福展览公司而言,在数字化投入方面,提升客户的利益比通过数字化产品提升销售额更为重要。  正如法兰克福展览公司的另
英国IPEX印刷展停办  近日,英国国际印刷展览会主办方在征询业界意见之后,宣布展会停办。上届展会是在2017年10月底至11月初在伯明翰国家会展中心举办。来自全球20多个国家的150多家企业参加了展会,展示最新的印刷技术与装备,超过7000名观众参观了展会。  IPEX展会总监Rob Fisher表示,“不断变化的市场需求和行业人士对一个大规模印刷行业展会的需求对于主办方而言一直是非常大的挑战。
2018年1月27日至30日,由法兰克福展览集团举办的一系列展会:Paperworld – 法兰克福国际纸制品及办公用品世界展览会,Creativeworld – 法兰克福DIY手工制作及创意文具展览会,Christmasworld – 法兰克福国际圣诞礼品世界展览会以及Floradecora贸易展览会在德国法兰克福圆满举行,制造商与零售商在新的一年取得了开门红,四展成功吸引来自69个国家的302
雅加达国际博览中心占地约44公顷的土地面积,被称为印度尼西亚最佳会展场馆之一。博览中心位于雅加达市中心,附近既有机场又有港口,无论是航运或陆运都既方便又快捷,目前共有10万平方米的展览区和会议区。  为应对日益增长的行业需求,目前博览中心建造了一个新的会议中心和剧院。这座30000平米的建筑有许多宴会厅、会议室和巨大的三层礼堂和拱廊大厅。奠基仪式在2016年年初举行,并于2018年年中開始投入使用
Covering a total land area of approximately 44 hectares, Jakarta International Expo(often abbreviated as JIExpo) is known as one of the best destinations for the MICE industry stakeholders in Indonesi
The recent merger of Informa and UBM is yet another case of cooperation in a more marketoriented exhibition industry. Also, the organizers are more aware of that by presenting excellent exhibition con
China and Thailand both as prominent exhibition markets in Asia Pacific region, have tightened up bilateral cooperation particularly in recent years. During the 83rd UFI Congress in Shanghai in Novemb